Preliminary new data via presented proportion client/personnel, financial endorsement. Information at Viewed your interview via with Ismael, the host of CALA program. Very respectful desp[ite the sensitive human nature discussion of gender equal potential. I referenced derivative of generalion lifestyle alienation from the philosophical humanism mechanical science education, financial rich poor, elder young, male female, nationalism culture, language, complexion, religion science, married single, heretosexual homosexual, western hemisphere of nations allopathic and eastern hemisphere of nations naturopathic medical ~ which can teamwork via http://www.un.org behavioral science logic control of emotion that would stop, cure, prevent mental physical disease and therefore stop the bad news that we inherited and that which sorround us at the present time. transcendal and longevity scientists are aware of tribal era inherited exclusivism, that does not want over 90% of the population or its consitituents to live long and prosper from improving lives. It is impossible to stop abuse without enforcement. However national policy will not change unless people organize, learn then teach how to live young & prosper from improving lives. It is how delayed science & new migration established themselves professional, succeeded over social economic alienation, discrimination, demonization. Acknowledgement of how the universe works: planetary tribal human species evolution, respective advantages/disadvantages via equal maximum potential, philosophical resolve problems, improve behavior relations via best proven political science solutions, improves our product services to guarantee 100 years young and stop bad news. Call Doctor Joseph michael at 702-541-1730 for additional information. If not able to get beyond national institution abuse of our government censure, then organize with others via proven 3 dimensional universal map, principles, doctrine, anecdote,resolve and procedure.
Me encantan tus programas ya que me hacer ser mejor persona y recapacitar muchas veces
Gracias Gela! te mando muchos saludos!
Lucía, esta mañana escuche, parcialmente, una participación tuya referente a la violencia verbal, habrá forma que la pueda ver o escuchar completa?
Mil gracias por la atención y felicidades por tus artículos, llevo toda la mañana leyéndolos.
Hola Luis!
Ya te lo mandé a tu mail. Muchos saludos,
Me gusta mucho la disposición e inteligencia objetividad y sabiduría de tus comentarios
Muchas gracias Francisco!
Saludos y seguimos en contacto!
Preliminary new data via
presented proportion client/personnel, financial endorsement.
Information at
Viewed your interview via with
Ismael, the host of CALA program. Very respectful desp[ite the
sensitive human nature discussion of gender equal potential.
I referenced derivative of generalion lifestyle alienation from the
philosophical humanism mechanical science education, financial
rich poor, elder young, male female, nationalism culture, language,
complexion, religion science, married single, heretosexual
homosexual, western hemisphere of nations allopathic and eastern
hemisphere of nations naturopathic medical ~ which can teamwork
via behavioral science logic
control of emotion that would stop, cure, prevent mental physical
disease and therefore stop the bad news that we inherited and that
which sorround us at the present time. transcendal and longevity
scientists are aware of tribal era inherited exclusivism, that does not
want over 90% of the population or its consitituents to live long and
prosper from improving lives. It is impossible to stop abuse without
enforcement. However national policy will not change unless people
organize, learn then teach how to live young & prosper from improving
lives. It is how delayed science & new migration established themselves
professional, succeeded over social economic alienation, discrimination,
demonization. Acknowledgement of how the universe works: planetary
tribal human species evolution, respective advantages/disadvantages
via equal maximum potential, philosophical resolve problems, improve
behavior relations via best proven political science solutions, improves
our product services to guarantee 100 years young and stop bad news.
Call Doctor Joseph michael at 702-541-1730 for additional information.
If not able to get beyond national institution abuse of our government
censure, then organize with others via proven 3 dimensional universal
map, principles, doctrine, anecdote,resolve and procedure.
Thank you very much Doctor Joseph for your comments. Regards, Lucia